Guide – Buffs VIPS.
We have an exclusive free VIP buffs system, where any player can have access.
To use our system is very easy, just use the command ingame: #.buf id1 id2 id3 id4
#.buf 267 268 269
NOTE: If you want to buff your summon use the command: #.buf id1 id2 id3 id4
#.sbuf 267 268 269
This way the buffs go to your summon instead of your character.
Here the list of all buffs name and their respective numbers:
Song of Earth [264]
Song of Life [265]
Song of Water [266]
Song of Warding [267]
Song of Wind [268]
Song of Hunter [269]
Song of Invocation [270]
Dance of the Warrior [271]
Dance of Inspiration [272]
Dance of the Mystic [273]
Dance of Fire [274]
Dance of Fury [275]
Dance of Concentration [276]
Dance of Light [277]
Song of Vitality [304]
Song of Vengeance [305]
Song of Flame Guard [306]
Dance of Aqua Guard [307]
Song of Storm Guard [308]
Dance of Earth Guard [309]
Dance of the Vampire [310]
Dance of Protection [311]
Song of Renewal [349]
Song of Meditation [363]
Song of Champion [364]
Siren’s Dance [365]
Dance of Shadows [366]
Flame Chant [1002]
Pa’agrian Gift [1003]
The Wisdom of Pa’agrio [1004]
Blessings of Pa’agrio [1005]
Chant of Fire [1006]
Chant of Battle [1007]
The Glory of Pa’agrio [1008]
Chant of Shielding [1009]
Invigor [1032]
Resist Poison [1033]
Mental Shield [1035]
Magic Barrier [1036]
Shield [1040]
Holy Weapon [1043]
Regeneration [1044]
Blessed Body [1045]
Blessed Soul [1048]
Empower [1059]
Berserker Spirit [1062]
Might [1068]
Kiss of Eva [1073]
Focus [1077]
Concentration [1078]
Acumen [1085]
Haste [1086]
Agility [1087]
Resist Aqua [1182]
Resist Wind [1189]
Resist Fire [1191]
Wind Walk [1204]
Guidance [1240]
Death Whisper [1242]
Bless Shield [1243]
Under the Protection of Pa’agrio [1250]
Chant of Fury [1251]
Chant of Evasion [1252]
Chant of Rage [1253]
Decrease Weight [1257]
Resist Shock [1259]
The Tact of Pa’agrio [1260]
The Rage of Pa’agrio [1261]
Vampiric Rage [1268]
Pa’agrian Haste [1282]
Chant of Revenge [1284]
Wild Magic [1303]
Advanced Block [1304]
Chant of Predator [1308]
Chant of Eagle [1309]
Chant of Vampire [1310]
Body of Avatar [1311]
Noblesse Blessing [1323]
Elemental Protection [1352]
Divine Protection [1353]
Arcane Protection [1354]
Prophecy of Water [1355]
Prophecy of Fire [1356]
Prophecy of Wind [1357]
Chant of Spirit [1362]
Chant of Victory [1363]
Eye of Pa’agrio [1364]
Soul of Pa’agrio [1365]
Greater Might [1388]
Greater Shield [1389]
War Chant [1390]
Earth Chant [1391]
Holy Resistance [1392]
Unholy Resistance [1393]
Clarity [1397]
Magnus’ Chant [1413]
Victory of Pa’agrio [1414]
Pa’agrio’s Emblem [1415]
Pa’agrio’s Fist [1416]
Protection from Darkness [1442]
Dark Weapon [1443]
Mana Gain [1460]
Chant of Protection [1461]
Improve Combat [1499]
Improve Magic [1500]
Improve Condition [1501]
Improve Critical Attack [1502]
Improve Shield Defense [1503]
Improve Movement [1504]
Chant of Combat [1517]
Chant of Critical Attack [1518]
Chant of Blood Awakening [1519]
Blessing of Queen [4699]
Gift of Queen [4700]
Blessing of Seraphim [4702]
Gift of Seraphim [4703]
Sharp Edge [825]
Spike [826]
Restring [827]
Case Harden [828]
Hard Tanning [829]
Embroider [830]
To make your life easier you can create a macro for use your buffs when you want.
To create a macro is very easy, just hold the ALT key and press the letter R (Alt + R) and click in the button: ADD
The following are examples of a macro for Fighter and the other for Mage:

After finish the macro just click the Save button and you can use it always when you need.